6 Things You Forgot to Buy While You’re Expecting

It’s confirmed – you’re expecting.

Everyone is happy to give you advice about being pregnant and becoming a parent.

Now, you’ve registered for everything you can think of, from diapers to duckies.

6 Things You Forgot to Buy While You’re Expecting

But I bet these three things weren’t on the list.

Maternity underwear

Rare is the mother who doesn’t sweat like a horse when she’s pregnant.

Also, hardly anyone talks about discharge.

You’re going need plenty of clean underwear.

As your belly grows, you’ll feel comfortable in maternity panties.

Get ready to splurge on underthings because you’ll need them and you’ll want them.

You might be changing them two or three times a day.

Happily, the best maternity underwear gives you options.

You can choose from under the belly or over the bump.

There are also a variety of styles from bikini to hipster to boyshorts to briefs and even Spanx.

Most of these are comfortable after you give birth as well. Some are made to protect C-section incisions.

The only recommendation I have for you is getting ones with cotton or bamboo crotches.

Bamboo is nice as it’s more absorbent than cotton and naturally anti-odor.

Don’t be discouraged thinking that maternity underwear looks like granny pants.

Most styles are a lot more fashionable.

Maternity bras

While we’re on the topic of undergarments, it’s time to think about maternity bras.

You have three challenges ahead.

First, weight gain will affect your chest size.

Second, maternity clothes are surprisingly immodest. They will show off your chest.

And third, you’ll be sore.

Shop for pregnancy bras that provide superior support for your chest and back.

You don’t need sexy as much as you need comfortable.

Padded cups are a bonus, although they may up the heat factor. At least they absorb leakage.

A new toothbrush and floss

Pregnancy hormones affect pretty much everything, from your hair to your skin to your teeth.

Lots of new mommies don’t realize that they are more prone to gingivitis and periodontal disease.

It’s time to toss out that old toothbrush with the bent-over bristles and get a new, soft one.

Also, make time for flossing as it’s crucial for good dental health.

You still want to have those pearly whites to granite your grandchildren, don’t you?

Food for picky mommies

Maybe you’ll be one of the lucky few who doesn’t suffer much from morning sickness.

Chances are, though, there will be times when eating does not appeal.

Be prepared with meal replacement shakes.

They aren’t a good solution for everyday eating, but they make sure you get your calories and nutrients when you’re feeling ill.

Check with your OB/GYN for other suggestions on what to eat while you’re expecting.

The supplement you’ll be taking isn’t enough to get by when you have a growing baby inside.

Smoothies and protein shakes can help make up the difference and keep you hydrated, too.

Okay, that’s enough about mommy. Let’s move on to baby.

Baby first-aid

With all the supplies you’ve planned for, did you remember the baby first-aid kit?

Have you considered what you might need for it?

Lucky for you, the American Red Cross and Safety 1st, among many other brands, have put together ready-made kits for you.

They include essential items like a thermometer, medicine dropper, and nasal aspirators for mucus.

Some combine first-aid with grooming tools like a comb and nail clippers. That’s convenient for carrying around in the diaper bag.

Although your newborn won’t be scraping their knees for a while yet, she’ll still have little crises.

You’ll be glad you can check her temperature and clear out her boogers in the middle of the night.

A baby carrier

Here’s one that you might’ve already thought of. Some people don’t, though, as they are focused on car seats and strollers instead.

Baby carriers can be as simple as a blanket wrapped around you and the baby to tie her to your chest or back.

But most modern parents prefer something a little more secure.

Get a baby carrier that both you and daddy will enjoy using to bring the little guy along with you.

It keeps him close so you can use the time to do other things around the house and yard.

Having your hands free is like a gift all by itself.